"I had the great priviledge of working with Elizabeth as an artist-educator at Pojoaque Valley Elementary School near Santa Fe. One of the most impressive of Elizabeth's talents was her sensitivity to each of the chidren's personalities and her ability to facilitate their participation in the group. She made it safe for these young actors to take risks and stand in front of a group for the fist time. Trust and confidence were as much by-products of her classes as the contact with new materials and forms of expression."
~Julie Bennett, Coordinator, Santa Fe Arts Initiative
"I have had the good fortune to interact with many extraordinary care givers in my career. As a neophyte, I studided with seasoned professionals in the medical, psychological, and educational arts; none had Elizabeth's level of creativity. As Executive Director of several social service agencies, I have had occasion to hire over 200 people in different disciplines over the past 23 years; not one brought a depth of compassion greater than hers."
~Brunie Emmanuel, Executive Director, Community Drug and Alcohol Commission
"We experienced the sudden loss of our executive director, as well as our literacy theatre troupe (booked for two appearances), and lacked a history for the theare from which to make decisions quickly. We needed someone who could form and design a theatre presentation within a week, and then proceed to perform. We needed someone who could write, understand a complicated budget and immediately comprehend our mission in the field of adult and family literacy. Accomplished as an actor and educator, we were also treated to an executive mentality, willing to plan and act without fear. She made "right" decisions about procedures and approaches to complicated problems and was completely reliable. We were fortunate to have her help and support, and count her as a friend."
~Rena Paradis, Interim Director, New Mexico Coalition for Literacy
"If you ever doubt yourself, Elizabeth, remember... you taught me to love my daughter. AND, when the school wanted to put her in the learning diability program, you are the one who taught her to believe she could read. As you know, she was put in the Gifted program instead. She has applied to Harvard."
~Anonymous in Santa Fe
"Elizabeth, you will never know how much just talking with you meant to me. I feel like we are sisters. I can't believe how easily you helped me see my own solultions. You just have that amazing way of reading people. Thank you, thank you, thank you." ~Carol Anne Brown, Friend and Client
"I have worked in theatre, film and as a writing agent in Los Angeles and in Santa Fe for most of my life and have to say that Elizabeth is one of the most talented people I have ever encountered. When I first met her as an acting student, her talent was evident immediately. Her dedication to detail and depth was constant. Eventually, she became my associate and friend. Her rare abilities in organizing inventive and memorable programs, events, workshops and classes is also quite evident. Anyone is fortunate to have her."
~ Sheri Mann, Actress, Director and Acting Coach
"Elizabeth demonstrated remarkable dedication and conscientitousness. Her heartfelt caring and creative approach to solving problems with our students was a tremendous asset to our program."
~ Brian R. McDonald, Director, Summit Program/Turning Point for Boulder County Mental Health
"I worked with Elizabeth every day for almost two years, so I feel I can speak knowledgeably concerning her talents, work ethic and character. First, let me say she is the kindest and most talented person I have ever met; sensitive and compassionate toward all living things, she is a wonderful leader, co-worker and teacher. As I came to know her better and better, I was astounded at the things she could accomplish. Because of a combination of God-given gifts and her own determination, she could do anything."
~Patricia Northup, Co-worker and Friend
Additional recommendations, original letters and references are available upon request.