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Peace Sessions
Peace Sessions
The Studio of One
The Studio of One

Peace Sessions

Come to a space dedicated to peace and beauty - and you.


Your Peace Session is dedicated to the form of peace you choose to experience, and we have a nice collection from which to choose.  We start with a peaceful, beautiful environment with a comfy chair, floating music and a cup of tea.  Perhaps Reiki, or other selections from our secrete Peace Menu will appeal.  Whatever you choose, Peace Sessions are a phenomenal way to unplug and remember who you are. 


Partake of Peace and Beauty, and glide into the rest of your day.  It only takes a minute.  Just let us know you're comming. 


Session length designed as you wish.  A dollar a minute. 

All Peace Menu options included.

Locatoin:  Niwot or Boulder


Give us a call. 

850 450-5050

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